S-0.1, r. 11 - Regulation respecting the examinations and analyses that a midwife may prescribe, conduct or interpret in the practice of midwifery

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(s. 1)

Prescribe Conduct Interpret Conditions

24-hour proteinuria X X X After 20 weeks
of pregnancy

Amniocentesis X

Anatomopathology of placenta, X
membranes and cord

Bacteriological cultures of X X X
body fluids and bacterial
sensitivity test to antibiotics

Biophysical profile X

Blood and urine toxicology X X X

Blood group and rhesus X X X

Complete blood count X X X

Detection of foetal cells X X X For Rh-negative
(Kleihauer) mothers
surgery or
suffering a
trauma increasing
the risk of
transfusion where
no immunoglobulin
prophylaxy has
been received

Ferritin X X X

Foetal monitoring X X X

Folic acid X X X

Glucose tolerance test X X X

Glycemia X X X

Hemoglobin electrophoresis X X For mothers at
risk of

Hepatic profile (LDH, ALT, X X X
AST, GGT, conjugated and
unconjugated bilirubin)

Immune antibodies search X X X

Indirect antiglobulin test X X X

Non-stress test X X X

Obstetric ultrasound X

Papanicolaou’s stain test X X
(endocervix, ectocervix and
vagina cytology)

Pregnancy test (Beta-HCG blood) X X X

Pregnancy test (urine HCG) X X X

Renal functions studies X X X
(BUN, creatinine, protein,
albumin, uric acid, urea)

Serological examinations X X X

Serum iron + complement X X X
fixation (TIBC)

Serum markers X X

STI screening X X X

TSH level X X X

Urianalysis X X X
(physical and microscopic)

Vitamin B12 level X X X

O.C. 968-2008, Sch. I.